Friday, 29 January 2010

Positive Media

Do you sometimes wonder what on earth the media are going to focus on next? How many times can you watch the news from start to finish and there is not ONE good news story to be told? Is that because there is no good news? Of course not - but the sad thing is that good news is not what the public tune in for.

For instance at the moment people are watching Tony Blair answer questions over the war in Iraq to ascertain if the war was "legal" or not. We are avidly following the news stories hoping that this man will fall flat on his face - yet this is the man that a majority vote chose as their Prime Minister for many years. What is my point here? Human nature likes drama - especially if its someone else's and if its bad that's fine, just so long as its some else's!! (Probably why Eastenders - UK soap - is so popular - no one is ever allowed to be happy in it. In order to make everyone unhappy - disaster upon disaster befall the occupants of Albert Square. It makes the real world look so much better!! Maybe its by design - now there's a thought!)

But back to the main point, this was one of the reasons that I joined Polaris Media Group. For once being involved with something that focuses on the positive is so uplifting. The documentaries that Polaris have released so far are "Kids with Cameras" following a group of autistic children achieving success participating in a unique film camp. The latest is "Unbeaten" which chronicles the exploits of 31 disabled athletes as they make their way over six days in wheelchairs and hand cycles in what is known as the toughest road race in the world, "Sadler’s Alaska Challenge".

The thing about these documentaries is the focus put on how people (who actually do have something to gripe about) cope with adversity and turn it into a positive.

There will always be bad news - its the way things go isn't it? But sometimes we let it take over. Life needs balance and so to balance out the bad Polaris is focusing on the good and very good it is too. Unbeaten is definitely my favourite - it leaves me in awe of such achievements and uplifted and upbeat and for someone who used to be very negative that is a real achievement for ME!
Trailer for the incredible documentary "Unbeaten", hosted by Dan Aykroyd and featuring "A Better Life" by Clint Black. Presented by Polaris Media Group.

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