Tuesday, 17 August 2010


One thing we can all be sure of when we move to Spain or anywhere where there is sun, and that is visitors from back home!! This week sees the arrival of Derek's family - son Steve, daughter-in-law Ruth and granddaughters Sophie and Lucy.

Overlooking Fuengirola from Mija
Amazingly enough due to such matters as ash clouds and horses, new houses and babies, (none of this ours I hasten to add - just the varying reasons for the non-event of visitors this year!) this will be our first visitors of the year so we are quite excited!! (The excitement has worn a bit thin today however, whilst doing the clean-a-thon - my goodness it doesnt take the dust long does it?)  However, this is the time of year when everyone is having visitors - school holidays make sure of that.

We spend several weeks before hand discussing what we will do, what we will see, where we will eat etc etc.  You see its our excuse for a holiday too!  Ok we live in the sun and to people in our home countries that means we are constantly on holiday ............... HAH!! I wish.  In reality unless you are over here retired then no its not a constant holiday.  In fact its just that little bit harder in a way, than living back "there" and going to the J O B!  So we leap upon visitors with great expectations.

However, all these plans can sometimes go awry as visitors tend to come out here to RELAX - novel concept I know! They tell me that its nice to go to a few places and especially to eat out in the evenings but to actually race around all day seeing this and that is not what they came for.

Steve - hmmm!
I have made this mistake before - planning carefully and chivvying everyone along to be ready to leave until I was asked sooooooooooo politely but very firmly if I could stop organising and just leave everyone to laze by the pool because thats what they came for!!

So now I treat all arrivals with caution waiting to see what the visitors want to do and if they are "up" for things - then so are we.  And if pool and sleeping and reading is what they came for then that's fine too!! Its their holiday after all!

(I still have my list to hand though - Malaga Feria, Marbella, beach, lakes and then plenty of eateries to add to the evenings.)

Watch this space for photos and updates of the "visitors"!!

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